Learning Environment

Through the incorporation of evidence-based practices, the purpose of the learning environment standard is to ensure administrative responsibility over the development of a healthy and high-functioning classroom environment. The Virginia Department of Education proposes several frameworks to describe a teacher’s standards for an effective learning environment. The primary goal of this standard is to provide teachers with guidelines and parameters for developing a community in the classroom. The central objective of this standard is to design high expectations and demonstrate to students what is expected of them. This standard can be achieved by maximizing instructional time, developing a physically and emotionally secure environment, and establishing clear expectations.

Student Culture

If the students feel supported, wanted, and relaxed, participation and education will see no bounds. To maintain balance within this emotional climate, the instructor must learn to overcome external barriers such as those involving culture, language, or family life. An effective teacher continuously builds that teacher-student relationship. Getting to know the students, their home life, and their culture can help the teacher understand how situations may influence behavior.

Physical Environment

There is an underlying importance in the physical design of the classroom environment that is often overseen by instructors. An effective teacher takes ownership towards developing a sense of community in the classroom. Students are astute to environments that feel welcoming, safe, and accepting.  While some teachers may be quick to believe brightly, bedazzled classrooms will increase distractions, the case is quite frankly the opposite. Environments that feel barren, drab, uninteresting, and cramped can distract learning for the students. The environment should not be teacher focused, but rather a collaborative environment that hums with energy. Learning is stimulated by motivational posters, brightly colored bulletin boards, student artifacts, and appealing colors.


Emotional Environment 


Taking a genuine interest in the personal lives of students encourages acceptance and understanding. Students are in need of an instructor who authentically displays qualities of warmth, care, and trust.

“The hungry child, the ill, tired, confused, or fearful child does not care about new things — they want familiar, comforting, and safe things.” -Dr. Bruce Perry


The Sensory Room: Helping Students with Autism Focus & Learn

Flexible Classrooms: Providing the Learning Environment that Kids Need



For more of my thoughts , please see my Professional Performance Standard Paper on  Learning Environment.