Instructional Delivery

The Virginia Department of Education has a specific vision of standards and conditions when using a variety of instructional delivery methods. When delivering instruction, there is no defined method that supports learning in any given class of pupils. Educators stand in need for a variety of evidence-based practices to ensure that all learners are connecting and growing with the necessary components. Alternative teaching strategies is an effective method for creating a positive learning environment, while increasing student engagement. The central objective of this standard is to manipulate instruction to meet the needs of all learners.  This standard can be achieved by delivering active, differential, and supporting instructional methods.

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Engaging and Enhancing Student Learning

Attached below you will find a video of a lesson I administered during my time at Fishburn Park Elementary. During this lesson on Magnetism, I used a discrepant event to grab the attention of the audience and engage my visual learners. Discrepant events are a great way to engage curiosity and participation, especially with young children.

As computer and technology standards continue to rise is education, teachers are unraveling innovative pedagogical methods to enhance student learning. The definition of literacy has broadened, for now students are not only expected to read and write, but enhance their writing using technological methods. Students ability to create, produce, and plan is enriched when technology is being effectively harnessed. Teachers are streamlining the traditional methods of the classroom by providing hands on learning, tools for technology, and new gateways for the 21st century.

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Supportive Learning

To keep a school year of instruction properly organized, student outcomes should be clear, planned, and assessed regularly. Part of being an effective instructor requires the acknowledgement of available resources within the school community. Teachers know that some students will demonstrate comprehension following the completion of a lesson, while others will not. Students move at their own pace in terms of ability and understanding. It is the instructors job, using informative and summative assessments, to identify whether a student needs more exposure in a specific academic field. For those students who need more experience and attentiveness in particular areas, teachers provide them with allotted times to carefully ensure progressive and successful outcomes.


Differentiated Learning

As educators, it is crucial to respect, understand, and accommodate all forms of student learning. A wide range of external influences often contribute to a student’s development and advancement in the classroom. In terms of differential learning, teachers are responsible for designing student-specific teaching strategies that encourage each individual student to evolve and achieve mastery over the content. Applying differential learning techniques inside the classroom requires continual reflection and continual modification of the instructor. Teachers should continually reflect upon the student, student assessments, and the class as a whole.

Image result for gardner multiple intelligenceAddition Lesson Plan- Kindergarten


For more of my thoughts , please see my Professional Performance Standard Paper on  Instructional Delivery.